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our philosophy.

At Dyme Boxing Jr., our purpose is to provide an after-school amateur youth boxing program with a 10:1 student to instructor ratio. 


Our goals are focused around the following:

  • Provide mentoring by respectable coaches and staff

  • Provide nutrition and self-care education

  • Provide opportunities for amateur boxing

  • Collaborate with local like-minded non-profits

  • Provide character building experiences


Our values are rooted in confidence, respect, sportsmanship, self-awareness, and self-control. 


program fundamentals


One of the primary benefits of boxing is gaining confidence. By developing skills in the ring and learning how to train properly to be in the right shape, athletes become confident in themselves. 


Along with confidence comes sportsmanship. Boxers learn not only how to be good losers, but also good winners. In the average gym, less than 1% of the athletes will become professional boxers, but all of them will learn the skills to become contributing members of society. The sense of self-worth that comes with achieving a higher skill level extends far beyond the ring.

Another positive outcome of an amateur boxing program is its influence on controlling anger and aggression. Boxing by design is a proven deterrent to anger and aggression problems. Athletes in a properly run boxing program learn that losing their temper or being overly aggressive is extremely counter-productive. An athlete soon learns that self-control is as important as being in good shape. We all know how important it is to have an effective way to control and positively direct aggression in today's youth.

Although the actual competition of amateur boxing is an individual sport, the boxer would not have any success without the support of the team of trainers, gym mates, sparring partners, and sponsors. Boxing is an individual sport that encourages the positive character attribute of self-motivation, however it also demonstrates the team effort and the importance of collaboration.

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